Contribute to these docs ======================== .. include:: ../../reuse/contribute-to-docs.txt :start-after: Start: How to contribute :end-before: End: How to contribute .. include:: ../../reuse/contribute-to-docs.txt :start-after: Start: Build and serve the docs (part) :end-before: End: Build and serve the docs (part) .. code:: PROJECT=oracle make run Setting the `PROJECT` parameter to ``oracle`` ensures that the documentation set for `Ubuntu on Oracle` gets built. This parameter is needed to distinguish between the different documentation sets present in the repository. .. include:: ../../reuse/contribute-to-docs.txt :start-after: Start: How to contribute (continued) :end-before: End: How to contribute (continued) Perform checks and submit a PR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before opening a PR, run the following checks and also ensure that the documentation builds without any warnings (warnings are treated as errors in the publishing process): .. code:: PROJECT=oracle make spelling PROJECT=oracle make linkcheck PROJECT=oracle make woke If you need to add new words to the allowed list of words, include them in ``.custom_wordlist.txt``. Once all the edits are done, commit the changes and push it to your fork. From the GitHub GUI of your fork, select the commit and open a PR for it. .. include:: ../../reuse/contribute-to-docs.txt :start-after: Start: How to contribute links :end-before: End: How to contribute links